Single Book: Just Wanna Create: Copyright and Fair Use Strategies

$60.00 - On sale

Image of Single Book: Just Wanna Create: Copyright and Fair Use Strategies

The book that helps creators navigate copyright, including fair use. Learn all about copyright, and we throw in a little bit of trademarks (using others' trademarks in your work) too.

We will have online discussion sections that will start in January, and move through the book throughout the year. We will also have workshops and other opportunities with the book. We will have three types of discussion sections you can sign up for with particular emphasis.

- Quilters
- Patternmakers and Other Professionals
- Other Crafters (beyond quilting)

You are automatically enrolled in the reading group and other extras when you purchase this book. We are pairing with the Copyright Research Lab @ Tulane University for a learning and discussion space online.

On sale - $15 off. Regularly $75.